Thank you for making the choice to support Boston NCSY & JSU!

Northeast NCSY & JSU connects Jewish teens throughout New England & Upstate New York with innovative, cutting-edge social and educational programs to develop pride in their Jewish identity and practice.

Through informal Jewish education, local programs, retreats, Shabbatons, and summer programs. NCSY empowers teens through leadership development and guidance to become passionately committed leaders of the Jewish community.

All donations through this page will go directly towards funding the programming budget of NCSY & JSU in communities in the Northeast region.

Your gift will allow us to continue inspiring the Jewish future in NER & Har Sinai!
Thank you for partnering with us. Tizku L’Mitzvot!

NCSY is the International youth movement of the OU, which is a registered 501c3.
100% of this gift is tax-deductible.